de | en Conception

Demo against GEAS


Demo against GEAS on April 10th at 6pm @Votivpark

On April 10, the EU Parliament will cast its final vote on the reform of the “Common European Asylum System” (“CEAS”). What is being glossed over as a “reform” is ultimately paving the way to largely undermine the individual right to asylum. Among other things, systematic de facto detention of people on the run through so-called “border procedures”, the legalization of pushbacks to supposedly “safe third countries”, the tightening of the Dublin system as well as special provisions through the Crisis Regulation, etc. are being decided. People seeking protection and people on the move are already being subjected to systematic violence by the European border and migration regime. Be it through the support of authoritarian regimes in “migration defence”, the criminalization of sea rescue, pushbacks along flight routes, chain deportations or incarceration in detention centres. With the “reform”, the EU is cementing a policy that it has been pursuing for a long time: Practices that violate human rights are being legalized and the criminalization of migration is being further normalized.

In solidarity with all those affected by these violations of rights, we will take a stand against this racist policy on April 10 at 6pm @Votivpark, 1090 Vienna and say: Brick by brick, wall by wall, make the fortress europe fall!