For centuries the question of whom the city belongs to has been relevant. Now, in times of unaffordable rent prices and the dominance of private investors in the housing market, it has become increasingly urgent. Simultaneously almost all public spaces are being commercialized, alternative urban planning and non-commercial spaces experience push backs and marginalized people are pushed out of the cities. The proclaimed “right to the city” does not only raise questions of ownership. It also calls for a different life, away from cities, capital and the patriarchy, away from authority and exclusion.

Especially migrants -the recruitment agreement (Gastarbeiterabkommen) between Turkey and Austria is nearing 60 years this May- experience this exclusion daily. They endure precarious conditions in the work place and private life. They are forced to live in mold-infested apartments without heating or electrity, as people right now at Gaudenzdorfer Gürtel in Vienna. The established unions and social democratic parties have never offered any meaningful help, instead migrants and guest workers autonomously organized themselves and fought against their precarious situation. For resisting in turn they experienced heavy police repression, even losing their jobs at times.

Today it’s primarily illegal migrants, who are are exploited by their bosses without any way to legally resist. As workers during harvest on plantations, cleaners or care workers in hospitals and private homes they constantly experience racism from the white majority. How dangerous, even deadly this racism can be, is examplified by the murder of Marcus Omofuma who was killed on Mai 1st 1999 by austrian police.

In memory of him and all others who have been murdered and harassed by police, we will continue the fight for liberation. We resist against the exclusion and answer with solidarity against the state, capital, nation and the patriarchy. For these perspectives we will march the streets on May 1st. The city for us all!

Demo against GEAS on April 10th at 6pm @Votivpark

On April 10, the EU Parliament will cast its final vote on the reform of the “Common European Asylum System” (“CEAS”). What is being glossed over as a “reform” is ultimately paving the way to largely undermine the individual right to asylum. Among other things, systematic de facto detention of people on the run through so-called “border procedures”, the legalization of pushbacks to supposedly “safe third countries”, the tightening of the Dublin system as well as special provisions through the Crisis Regulation, etc. are being decided. People seeking protection and people on the move are already being subjected to systematic violence by the European border and migration regime. Be it through the support of authoritarian regimes in “migration defence”, the criminalization of sea rescue, pushbacks along flight routes, chain deportations or incarceration in detention centres. With the “reform”, the EU is cementing a policy that it has been pursuing for a long time: Practices that violate human rights are being legalized and the criminalization of migration is being further normalized.

In solidarity with all those affected by these violations of rights, we will take a stand against this racist policy on April 10 at 6pm @Votivpark, 1090 Vienna and say: Brick by brick, wall by wall, make the fortress europe fall!

Write to us at

The protests against the 100th anniversary celebrations of the international police organization Interpol are now a week behind us. Despite the cold and snow, we were loudly on the streets together and spent two days together in a far too cold room at the counter-conference, listened to many exciting lectures, discussed with each other in workshops, went to a film screening, a book presentation and a city walk.

At this point, we just wanted to say thank you: thank you to everyone who helped so much, thank you to everyone who was there. Of course, we also know that we could have done a lot better. And that’s why honest criticism and suggestions for improvement for future campaigns are very important to us. Feel free to write to us at We look forward to any feedback!

Demonstration I FR, 01.12.23 I 17.30 h

Substantive counter-conference I SA+SO I 02.-03.12.23

You need a place to sleep? You have a place to sleep? Write to us at

The protests against the Interpol conference in Vienna are approaching. The more we can learn from different perspectives and experiences, the more promising our protests and counter-conference will be. It is therefore very important to us to enable as many comrades as possible from outside Vienna to participate. We are therefore organizing a bed exchange. We are dependent on you for this!

We need the support of all comrades in Vienna. So if you live in Vienna and can offer one or more places to sleep, please contact us as soon as possible at

We need to know the following things about you:

1. (nick)name

2. address

3. telephone number

4. number of sleeping places to be offered

5. possible period (please at least 2 nights)

6. preference for gender? FLINT-only?

7. type(s) of sleeping facility(ies)? Yoga mat, couch, bed?

8. is there a separate room? (Yes/No)

9. allergies: Are there any allergy-causing creatures or things? (cat hair, gluten etc.)

10. is there barrier-free access, accessibility with a wheelchair, crutches?

If you want to travel and need one or more places to sleep for the weekend in Vienna, please also contact us at

We need to know the following things about you:

1. (nick)name

2. telephone number or contact details

3. number of sleeping places required

4. number of days, approximate time of arrival and departure.

5. if more than one: Do people necessarily want to reside in the same place?

6. preference for gender? FLINT-only?

7. need for a separate, locked room?

8. allergies (e.g. cat hair, gluten etc.)?

9. barrier-free access, accessibility with wheelchair, crutches etc. required?

For years, the same sad spectacle repeats itself in regular intervals: as soon as the so-called “Middle East conflict” escalates, so does antisemitism on the streets of Vienna. Led by associations whose sole purpose is to wipe out the only Jewish state, an alliance of “left-wing” anti-imperialists, Islamist fundamentalists, neo-Nazis and Turkish right-wing extremists is formed, who see that an opportune moment has come to finally deal the death blow to the hated “Zionist entity”. The anti-zionist agitation against Israel is not just a criticism of the state and the nation. Quite the contrary. Not coincidentally, does it project all the atrocities of modern statehood only on the one single Jewish state, which serves as an anti-semitic object of projection to distinguish good from evil rule, instead of wanting to abolish all oppression.

Those who claim “Palestine solidarity” are not concerned with the liberation of Palestinian civilians from the conditions in which humans are degraded, enslaved and abandoned. Rather, they replicate this bondage in the name of “national liberation” or trivialize Islamist terror as anti-colonial resistance. The supposed commitment against the suffering and for the rights of the Palestinians is only put forward as long as it can be used as an accusation against Israel. And thus, in these circles, people like to keep silent about the inhumane practices of Hamas or the Palestinian Authority against their own population. Silence is kept about the suffering of those who are held in tent cities for generations as refugees without rights and as bargaining chips against Israel. Silence is kept about the other Nakba, the expulsion of 450,000 Palestinians from Kuwait in 1991, in revenge for the PLO’s commitment to the mass murderer Saddam Hussein. Silence is kept about the situation of the Palestinians in Jordan or Lebanon, who have to live there under inhumane conditions. Silence is kept about the instrumentalization of Palestinian suffering by reactionary movements and regimes like Turkey, Iran or Syria. These movements feed on the imagined cohesion against “the Jewish oppressor” and in the same breath express fantasies of extermination against other minorities, such as Êzidis, Alevis, Armenians and Kurds.

What happened in Israel on Saturday, October 7, was the worst attack on Jewish life since the Shoah. Since then, never have so many Jews been murdered in one day as on this Saturday. The murderers proudly filmed their acts and in some cases broadcast them via livestream. People were shot en masse, raped, abducted. Families were tortured and murdered along with their children. What transpired on that Saturday was an anti-semitic pogrom. Hamas has put into practice what it has formulated as its political program for decades: The destruction of Jewish life.

It demonstrated to us what the destruction of Israel would mean: The end of Jewish life in the Middle East. This pogrom was significantly financed by the Iranian Mullah regime and its allies. What began in Germany and Austria as National Socialist work of extermination finds its continuation as eleminatory anti-semitism in the charter of Hamas, the anti-Semitic conspiracy theories circulating everywhere and the threats of extermination of the Iranian regime against Israel. The massacre in southern Israel was as if the darkest epoch in human history had reached across time into the present and torn people out of it.

The ideology behind it is wreaking its bloody havoc throughout the region; in addition to minorities, it is primarily women and queer people who are the first to suffer. They are victims without a lobby who attract the punishment and persecution of those who choose to subordinate themselves to God or fatherland. We witness it in Iran, where protests of people fighting for their freedom and against the terror of the guidance patrol, patriarchy and oppression are bloodily suppressed. We witness it in Afghanistan, where under the renewed terror-reign perpetrated by the Taliban any emancipation is nipped in the bud. But we also witness it in Gaza, where Hamas is in power, where any emancipatory organizing, like those in unions or as social protests, are brutally crushed. Where thousands of civilians are now dying in a war that the reactionary rulers in the Middle East are keeping alive because pointing the finger at Israel serves to maintain their power.

In solidarity with all the people who are fighting for real liberation in the Middle East and around the world, we want to march on Saturday. Our thoughts are with all those who were murdered or abducted, with their relatives and friends, with Jews in Europe and elsewhere, who now have to fear that the wave of anti-semitic violence will spread here as well. Our thoughts are with those people in Gaza who find themselves in a situation not of their own choosing, who are exposed to the military strikes of the Israeli army as well as the terror of the Islamist rulers.

Our thoughts are with all those who are now affected by racism and violence. For it is precisely those states in Europe that demand more deportations and police after Islamist attacks, that at the same time profit from trade with Islamist regimes externalizing their own anti-Semitism and projecting it onto migrants. No matter how irreconcilable European right-wing extremism and Islamism may seem, they are two sides of the same coin and they feed on the racist division produced by the dominant discourse.

Our thoughts are also with the people in Rojava, who are currently exposed to the war of aggression of the Turkish regime, a close ally of Hamas, far away from all media publicity.

Our solidarity goes exactly to those who stand up for life and against death, who wish for a world without violence, without domination, coercion and oppression, without anti-semitism, racism, nationalism and islamism – whether in Israel, Palestine or elsewhere! Because, as the feminist revolution in Iran has already shown us: Freedom is not Eastern or Western, but universal!

In November 2023, the international police organization Interpol will hold a General Assembly in Vienna to mark its 100th anniversary. Police and government leaders from 195 member states – a total of over 1,500 representatives – want to celebrate this anniversary. For us – a broad alliance of civil society and left-wing organizations and groups – however, this is no reason to celebrate, quite the contrary.

Already united in anti-communism, anti-Semitism, anti-gypsyism and racism in 1923, the agency continued to exist under the leadership of the Austrofascist regime. Under Nazism, Interpol sat in the house of the later Wannsee Conference; the agency was presided over by Reinhard Heydrich, Arthur Nebe, and Ernst Kaltenbrunner, all high-ranking Nazi war criminals. Even after the end of World War II, Interpol was still led by former Nazis. Today, Interpol -officially an association that has never been ratified by a parliament, an association that receives millions in funding from organizations such as FIFA, the tobacco company Philip Morris, and a host of pharmaceutical companies- is at the forefront of international repression. Interpol assists national police forces in prosecuting political activists. Many countries rely on the agency to prosecute political opponents: Turkey against Kurdish structures, Bahrain against investigative journalists, but also Austria, Germany other European countries against left-wing activists.

We want a completely different world. We want to discuss and reflect on alternatives to Interpol and the police in general. We want to fight for this completely different world with events, lectures, rallies and demonstrations about security in public space, the authoritarian character of the police, about harassment and violence against homeless people, about increasing repression against climate activists, about a feminist critique of the institution police and much more. More info -on events and everything else- soon at:

📣 Talk and discussion with persons that each are or were active in AKC Metelkova, Autonomous Factory Rog and PLAC (Participatory Ljubljana Autonomous Zone)

The squats of Metelkova (1993), Rog (2006) and PLAC (2022) mark three decades of autonomous struggles for self-organized cultural and social spaces in the center of Ljubljana. While Metelkova still exists without any legal status, gentrification thrived under the right wing government of Janez Janša and mayor Zoran Janković who got Rog evicted in the midst of a pandemic in January 2021. Solving and addressing social struggles requires spaces to organize. Therefore, people from different generations and social movements started a squat in an abandoned former workers cafeteria in September 2022 to organize collectively and build up a social space for themselves and the neighborhood.

How are these different squats and struggles linked to each other? Which collective forms of communal organization can emerge? What conflicts and failures can we learn from?
These are just some questions we want to take a look at with our friends and comrades from Ljubljana.

💬 The talk will be in English and Slovene with German whisper translation.


🏭 Metelkova, Rog, PLAC – antigentrifikacijski boji in avtonomni prostori v Ljubljani

🗓️ Sobota, 3. december

📍 KSŠŠD, Mondscheingasse 11, 1070 Wien

📣 Pogovor in diskusija z osebami, ki so ali so bile aktivne v AKC Metelkova, Avtonomni tovarni Rog in v PLAC-u (Participativna ljubljanska avtonomna cona)

Skvoti Metelkova (1993), Rog (2006) in PLAC (2022) zaznamujejo tri desetletja avtonomnih bojev za samoorganizirane kulturne in družbene prostore v središču Ljubljane. Medtem ko Metelkova še vedno obstaja brez kakršnegakoli pravnega statusa, je gentrifikacija cvetela pod desno vlado Janeza Janše in županovanjem Zorana Jankovića, zaradi katerega so Rog izselili sredi pandemije januarja 2021. Grajenje družbenih bojev zahteva prostore, v katerih se lahko skupnosti avtonomno organizirajo. Zato so ljudje iz različnih generacij in družbenih gibanj septembra 2022 ustanovili skvot v zapuščeni nekdanji delavski menzi, da bi skupaj zgradili družabni prostor zase in za sosesko.

Kako so ti različni skvoti in borbe povezani med seboj? Katere kolektivne oblike družbene organizacije lahko nastanejo? Iz katerih konfliktov in neuspehov se lahko učimo?
To je le nekaj vprašanj, ki jih želimo predebatirati z našimi tovariši iz Ljubljane.

💬 Pogovor bo potekal v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku z nemškim šepetanim prevodom.

The Yugoslav state founded after the end of World War II was an attempt to create an egalitarian and democratic society. Already in 1948, Yugoslavia broke with the Soviet model and Stalinism and oriented itself towards the goal of workers’ self-government and the concept of the death of the state.
With this reorientation of society and economy, the Yugoslav state saw itself on the safe side when it came to the issue of gender equality: thus, the Yugoslav state thought it had already solved the “women’s question” in the mid-1950s and had achieved gender equality. However, this was not reflected in the real social conditions such as the division of labour and the occupation of leadership positions. The goals set with regard to gender equality were not achieved. A few years later, the ruling communist party realised its failure. However, this realisation remained inconsequential.
This upcoming event will focus on the history of the socialist state of Yugoslavia with a feminist perspective and a focus on women politics of the ruling communist party.
We want to cover the beginnings of the socialist state and the feminist movements within it, the theoretical context of Yugoslav gender and labor related politics from 1945 until 1991 and also discuss the implications of the history for the feminist movements in the region today.
Therefore we invited comrades from antipolitika, an anarchist journal from the Balkans ( and an ex-member of fAKTIV, a feminist collective from Zagreb, to draw possible lessons for emancipatory politics.

Winners of the crisis?

Since 1890, May Day has stood for the worldwide connection of all workers and wage dependents. The basis for this was the realisation that, together with the vast majority of humanity, we are on the side of the losers, in other words, we are exploited and cannot live our lives in dignity and self-determination. This gave rise to political optimism, strength for social struggles that improved all our lives (universal voting rights, holiday rights, health insurance, reduction of working hours, etc.). Today, on the other hand, many workers think: “I’m one of the winners, I’m still doing better in comparison!

no future?

But where does the current bad attitude come from, the real feeling that everything is becoming more expensive, more corrupt, more exhausting, more incomprehensible? The progress optimism of the 1970s: “We are all doing well” became: “at least many” became: “at least me and my family”. Why? Because we have come to fear that soon only a few will be doing well.

When everyone is running around frantically to keep up their class, it becomes uncomfortable! First, some acquaintances, some friends, and next, perhaps, you yourself, come under the wheels. Social inequality increases dramatically. Central social promises can no longer be kept and collective dreams are shattered. Imagining the end of the world now seems more realistic than a better future: key words: climate catastrophe, pandemics, new global conflicts and wars, economic crises and hyperinflation.

Spirit of May Day!

In the midst of fear we cannot think clearly. The spirit of May Day is the antidote. May Day stands for the simple that is hard to do – for a global alternative of solidarity: the classless world society. When utopias die, dystopias take their place. Let’s be honest, in which film that has become real would you want to be in? Zombie apocalypse or love story?

Let’s look at positive developments: In the home office, we don’t miss the office and want more free time with full pay. We are worth it! When it comes to pushing overtime, we don’t care about the appreciative clapping. We want sustainable working conditions or we want to quit! Unemployment has lost the stigma of self-infliction. We allow ourselves to have it (if we have acces towards unemployment payment)! Instagram, twitter or tic toc are no compensation for real contacts, they make us more nervous and dissatisfied. We need human empathy! In lockdown we go out into nature because our flats are too expensive, too small. We demand affordable housing and an intact environment!

Real utopia!

After two years of pandemic we see many things more clearly, now it is time to become active. In Vienna, resistance is rising against the capitulation to the climate crisis, against the elbow war of individuals, against armament and war. For a better life for all!

All over the world, many people take to the streets together on 1 May. The diversity of concerns is not a weakness but our strength. We share the same horizon. Maybe also with you? Courage for utopia! Because things will not stay the way they are. Exchange ideas, ask questions, organize yourself. In solidarity through the crises, towards a better world!

Rouvikonas, an anarchist group from Athens, tries since some years to contribute to the social struggle by direct actions with high medial attention and solidarity work. One member will speak about the political situation in Greece as well as the social movement. Also, he will locate Rouvikonas in this repressive environment and the struggles against it. Additionally, a sequence about Rouvikonas of the Film L’Amour et la Révolution (Love and Revolution) will be shown. This film from 2018 shows multiple selforganized projects and political groups in Greece.

The talk will be in English. Afterwards there will be time and possibility to have a drink together. Please note the Covid-measures, come vaccinated and if possible tested too.

Donations can be made against the repression Rouvikonas is facing at the evening or via bank transfer until 31st of October to the account of Rote Hilfe Wien:
Rote Hilfe Wien
IBAN: AT46 6000 0103 1036 9883
Reference: Athen

On October 22nd the constitutional court in Poland decided to ban the right to nearly all abortions. People have been protesting under the name of “Strajk Kobiet” ever since. They demand the repealing of the ban, which is heavily influenced by the Catholic Church and the ruling right-wing PiS. At the moment safe abortions are only possible abroad and therefore very expensive. The “Plattform Radikale Linke” has formed a project named “Solidarität mit dem Netzwerk Abortions without borders” in order to provide financial support by selling t-shirts, patches and beanies. All proceeds go to the network “Abortions without borders” that allows safe abortions.

More information about “Abortions without borders”:

For further questions regarding merch/shipping or other donations, contact us via:

Rząd nie ciąża, da się usunąć! The government is not a pregnancy, it can be terminated!

Po wyroku Trybunału Konstytucyjnego zaostrzającym prawo antyaborcyjne, który zapadł 22 października, gniew rozprzestrzenił się na ulicach Polski pod nazwą Strajk Kobiet. Protesty są skierowane przeciwko wpływom Kościoła katolickiego oraz kontroli prawicowego ekstremistycznego PiS nad Trybunałem Konstytucyjnym i domagają się zniesienia zakazu. O bezpieczną aborcję można się obecnie ubiegać tylko za granicą i jest kosztowna. Dlatego chcemy zapewnić wsparcie finansowe potrzebującym kobietom poprzez sprzedaż benefitowych koszulek, naszywek i bluz. Cały dochód trafia do organizacji “Aborcje bez granic”, która umożliwia kobietom bezpieczną aborcję i zapewnia wsparcie.

Więcej informacji na temat aborcji bez granic:

Rząd nie ciąża, da się usunąć!

Przeciwko uciskowi!

Never let the fascists have the fields!

On the 18th of May, the Ustaša meeting will once again take place in Bleiburg / Pliberk (Southern Carinthia). Officially, it is considered a religious commemoration event – in fact, (neo)fascists are gathering there to mourn the Ustaša state (NDH), an ally of Nazi Germany.

The participants of the Ustaša meeting stick to a narrative according to which fleeing Ustaša and Croats had become victims of the Partisans and the Allies in Bleiburg during the liberation of Carinthia in 1945. They draw upon the myth of a massacre at Loibacher field / Libuško polje, which has historically not been confirmed, but has been cultivated through publications by the ex-Croatian communities after 1945. There are however records of casualties and of wounded during the last battles around Bleiburg / Pliberk and suicides on said Loibacher field / Libuško polje.

The meeting, with around 15,000 attending fascists every year, is one of the largest right-wing extremist gatherings in Europe! That’s why we have to take to the streets to show that right-wing extremism and historical revisionism should have no place in society.
For more information we recommend the blog

To show our resistance, we call for a demonstration on 18.05! Meeting point is at 09:00 at the station forecourt Bleiburg (Land).

P.S.: For arrivals from Vienna, please contact us at the following e-mail address:

We recommend travelling together no matter where you come from, meet up and get active!

For further information please contact us at:

Current developments and news about the protests against the Ustaša meeting will be posted on Facebook at

On 20 September 2018, the EU heads of state and government met in Salzburg to intensify and coordinate the authoritarian drift that that EU countries have seen in recent years. Points on the agenda included an increased militarization of the EU‘s external borders, as well as extended surveillance and police powers. Therefore, activists gathered in Salzburg on 20 September to send out a clear signal against this „summit of authority, militarized borders and social control“ (NoS20).

The state‘s response to these protests has been repression. And one thing is clear: repression costs a lot of money, energy and nerves. Our support can only be effective as a collective effort! So get organised: collect money for the anti-repression fund, e.g. by hosting solidarity parties, or carry out actions in solidarity. If you have friends / comrades affected by state repression, make sure you have their back. – Find further information about the campaign against repression here

We will not be stopped by state repression!
We will continue fighting for a better world!

We will use the day of the government’s annexation as an opportunity to demonstrate in front of the police detention center Rossauer Lände against this state and its repressive organs. Let not those who may be affected by repression in these protests be alone! If you or any of your comrades should be confronted with ads or arrests: There will be tea, music, and food at the rally. It can be a starting point to wait for the release of detainees. The goal is to sustain the rally throughout the day. We are particularly pleased about reinforcement, from 11:00 am we are on site!

The current federal presidential elections and the way and quantity with which in Vienna and the rest of the country is thought of problematic symbolic figures such as Karl Lueger depend to the extent that they represent German National and anti-Semitic continuities. The action at the Lueger monument at Cobenzl as a form of intervention in public remembrance politics is one of the many ways todraw attention to current and past anti-Semitic conditions.

#nohofer #nofpoe

To the full text

We are witnessing a diffuse interaction of economics, national security and social upheavals in Austria and Europe. Our time is shaped by phenomena which can be described as an expression of uncertainty – the crisis ladden developments of capitalism are becoming ever more apparent. The easy answer of many people to these developments is the longing and desire for a “strong leader” which should bring about stability. “Rather less freedom than chaos” is the commonly accepted notion.
This desire is activated and accelarated by many different sides, the authoritarians are in the offence: no matter if FPÖ, “Bloc Identitaire”, Turkish or Polish nationalists, islamistic and jihadi groups: they all promise a different political order meaning an uncompromising governing for their own “nation”, respectively. This “nation” is defined along the lines of nationality, ethnicity and/or religion.
The activation and acceleration of this desire is also due to the government: we are witnessing a normalization of political demands which used to be occupied by right-wingers. Not only the tightening of national security policies, massive surveillance, the reduction to the point of abolition of the right to seek refuge, but also the general authoritarian worsening of governmental action is mostly, if not being applauded, at least accepted as a new kind of normality.

In times of an obvious crisis, refugees – and others, which are not perceived as part of the national community – have to serve as the originators of societal problems. And when “foreigners” are made responsible and blamed for everything, the state is called upon as a protector of the national community.
But the state cannot prevent crises in capitalism from arising. It will not save us, because the state is part of the problem/issue/calamity. And it uses its force and authority, through laws, increasing armament and intimidation, if its legitimacy is challenged in crises ladden times. It needs to distract from its obvious helplessness in the face of global economic developments.
Antisexist, antiracist and antifascist fights continue to be necessary, but our critique needs to start at the root of the problem. Patriarchal capitalism as a complex system, which influences many different areas of all of our lives and regulates the rules of our daily interactions, must be attacked. The values of our inhumane achievement-oriented society are so extremely deeply rooted that it’s almost impossible to imagine a different practical experience let alone the possibility of a different society.

The campaign ” Escape the lethargy/helplessness/impotence” wants to encourage and mobilize everyone to organize activities and events against capitalism, the state and its authoritarian forming. If we want to escape the rat race of lethargy/helplessness/impotence, the continuous battles of defence, increasing isolation, separation and marginalization, we need a broad and strong radical left, capable of acting! Only if we organize ourselves and express our critique in actions and words transparently and comprehensibly, make it accessible to people and thus grow as a radical left, is change conceivable.

For a great life for everyone!

On the last weekend of October, in Linz the Congress “Defenders of Europe” takes place in the Redoutensäle rented by the state of Upper Austria. The congress is officially organized by the platform and the magazine InfoDirekt. Organizationally, the meeting closes directly to the right-wing extremist “Zwischentag” in Germany. The meeting in Linz brings together the current organizations and publications of German-speaking right-wing extremism (IfS, Sezession, Ares-Verlag, and many more). This group is supplemented by established elites from the field of national right-wing extremism as well as high-ranking parliamentary representatives of right-wing parties. The “Identitäre Bewegung” plays a major role, with which almost all the exhibitors are linked directly at the conference (Phalanx Europa, Wolf PMS). The conference in Linz is also distinguished by important organizers of the international networking and financing of current extreme rights in the international sphere (one percent, Natalie Holzmüller). The meeting in Linz is the largest right-wing event of its kind in the German-speaking world. It is also one of the largest, most important and also most publicly held meetings in Austria in recent years.

On June the 11th the neo-fascist organisation ”Identitäre” wants to organize their third rally in Vienna, Austria. Under the slogan “Remigration” the neo-fascists want to march through the streets. This is an explicit threat to everyone who will not qualify for their ideas of a pure race. The demand for „Remigration“ is nothing less than a call for pogroms. This year and once again we as antifascists will disturb them by any means possible! The rally on the 11th of June is an important happening for all extreme right wing structures throughout Austria and beyond. Not only its symbolical character but also its international reachout makes it a significant event for the far right.

The past marches of the “Identitäre” have been attended by Nazis from France, Germany, Italy, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia. It is on us to block their march and to use the present discussion about the “Identitäre“ to show what they really are: violent fascists, who want the world structured after their racial and discriminating believes. During the movements of refugees and the migration to central Europe one could witness these self-proclaimed “warriors” for a pure society in action and the results of their paranoid craze. Breaking violently through antifascist barricades and attacking antifascists after a rally are just some examples of their actions which we find ourselves confronted with. The violent disturbance of a theatre play performed by refugees at the University of Vienna leaving several injured can be seen as a temporary peak of a series of attacks from the direct surroundings an from inside of the “Identitäre”. The explanation for this new quality of right wing violence is not only due to a process of radicalization, but also the fact that they get the space they aim to take.

Consequently, antifascist actions are necessary to confront and destroy reactionary groups like the “Identitäre”. This is, by any means, what we need to thrive for. Therefore we call out to everyone to plan and act in decentralized and creative ways on the 11th of June, the day the Nazis want to occupy the streets. Join us too on the evening before, when we will walk on these very streets to inform the neighbourhood about the Nazis and to show that a radical left critic of the sexist, nationalist and racist ideology of the “Identitäre“ is alive and sound!

Nazis are the result of our competition, exclusion and domination based society. Nationalism is not a dead ideology hold up by a few but how world affairs are put into context and need to be interpreted on all levels. It’s not about defending the status quo against the “Identitäre” – it’s about articulating and practicing critique on the present situation of society. Everything else would be playing down the brutalities that are taking place right here; right now.


Against the fortress Europe and its fans!
Abolish capitalism! Nationalism is no alternative!